Monday 16 April 2012

Similarities, differences, judgements?


  1. Nice to finally see another writer! We both write comedies. I examined some of your plays in fact, and their not so hot... but after all, amateurs need their practice! We also write very similarly with our beloved comedies. I can tell you adore comedy and work that makes you feel good almost as much as I do, if not just as much as I do.
    We were born in different places obviously. You are from England... (chuckle) and I am of course from France. See, I can tell I am more passionate at the art I do because I have written a lot more than you... You are obviously not as serious about your career as me but thats okay! Not everybody wants to make top-notch money :).
    Well, it was nice looking over your information and learning about you and your background. Talk to you soon!

  2. Hello Ms.Inchbald, it is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard you are a writer, as am I but not of plays, of music. I am an American composer. I have not seen any of your plays but I believe that it would be great regardless of what Mr.Marivaux has to say. As I stated before I am American but you are different by being from England. I think has been a pleasure to learn alittle about you and hope to hear back.

    Sincerly, Mr.William Billings.

  3. Ciao! Ive looked over of a few of your pictures and there very nice.
    It seems like we have a little in common. Your portrait of yourself looks beautiful you look young and rich just like me *smiles*. We look to be the same age when in our golden years. Anyways we have also performed in a theater in our home town.

    Now for our differences im of course from Italy and your from England. Also youve written many books, im not much of a writer. Im going to stick with my dancing. I also looked at your fashion for everyday, my clothes were a bit smaller but all the same.

    Well miss i enjoyed the work that ive seen hope theres more

  4. Ms.Inchbald,

    Hello! I am hapy to see another English writer! Although you haven't posted your interview I have looked at your blog and have found some similarities. We are both actors in London and we botrh like comedy. I haven't seen any differences but hopefully when you post your interview I can make another comment and learn more about you!

  5. Buon giorno, come stai? Ms. Inchbald I have heard a lot about you. I see that you are a quite talented novelist, actress, and dramatist. That is a lot (laughs). I have had a hard time just dancing and choreographing. We both started in our art fields at a very young age. But I believe than more than similarities we have differences. You were born in Britain while I was born in Italy. I do not know a thing about writing while you are very recognized for it. Of course the main difference we have is that I am a dancer and choreographer and you are all of those things I mentioned before: novelist, actress, and dramatist. I believe that I would really enjoy your work since you have such a remarkable point of view and opinion in all of the things that you do. Good luck!

    -Filippo Taglioni
